
By Karen

Browse 19 more
  1. Every project I have ever done (updated!)

    Back in 2018 I went through my hard drives and made a big list of every project I've ever worked on. That list remains pinned on my profile on the website formerly known as Twitter. Whew, that was five years ago? I updated the list with my current projects, so this is more or less everything I've worked on over the past 25 years, although it doesn't include workshops. The list is in alphabetical order because the dates are a bit fuzzy.

  2. In Defense of Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem Ipsum is just like every other tool in a designer's toolkit. When used intentionally, it can help the design process.

    UIE Tips,

  3. Every project I have ever done

    A while back I went through my hard drive and captured a list of every project I've ever done, spanning the years 1998 – 2018, so twenty years of projects. These are in alphabetical order because I'm a bit fuzzy on the dates.

  4. Introducing Autogram

    I am delighted to announce that I am starting a new strategic consultancy with Ethan Marcotte and Jeff Eaton called Autogram.

  5. Windows on the Web

    You have five minutes while waiting for a friend to meet you for lunch, so you find yourself shopping for a new pair of shoes. When your friend arrives, you put the phone away, but leave the web page open to help you remember what you found when you get home.

    A List Apart,

  6. Doing UX

    Too often, when designers get hired to “do UX“ they have to convince entrenched parts of the organization that UX is a real job. Change will only happen once we have leaders that set the standard.

    The Pastry Box Project,


    How should content management tools guide content creators to focus on meaning and structure? What’s the right amount of control over presentation and styling in the CMS?

    A List Apart,

  8. Pay it forward

    Your time is valuable. Spend it wisely.


  9. The Minimum Viable Lifestyle

    The Pastry Box Project,

  10. Who experiences code of conduct violations?

    As far as I'm concerned, the heart of what makes information architecture a discipline is the focus on the needs of users as they navigate an information space. Here, I break down the point of view of the grievance procedure for Information Architecture Foundation events.

About Karen

Browse 35 more
  1. The Problem with Page Builders: Content Observability and the “Pageless” Universal CMS

    In this webinar, Karen McGrane and Jeff Eaton of Autogram join Preston So of dotCMS for a wide-ranging conversation about the problems page builders represent and the dead angles they create. They discuss how page builders stymie efforts to cultivate better-structured, more governable, observable, and future-proof content. They also explore the emerging Universal CMS paradigm and why page builders that depend on the page as their atomic unit do a disservice to content teams and content operations.


  2. Learn how to overcome the limitations of page builders and organize your website effectively

    In this episode of Cutting Edge: Web Content Development, Karen McGrane and Jeff Eaton of Autogram delved into page builders. They explored the challenges of overusing them and how teams can effectively mitigate their problem points.

    Butter CMS,

  3. The Power of Composable Content

    Shifting from a headless CMS to a composable content platform serves major business benefits including deeper extensibility and flexibility, making it easier than ever to build state-of-the-art experiences customers love. This is where content can be broken down into modular components and allow brands to create infinitely and reuse that content across multi-brands, use cases, channels, and regions - everything brands need to drive business momentum, right at their fingertips.


  4. The Story of Lorem Ipsum: How Scrambled Text by Cicero Became Used by Typesetters Everywhere

    Karen's "spirited defense" gets a mention in this article about the use of Lorem Ipsum.

    By Josh Jones, Open Culture,

  5. Pioneering content strategy and UX

    Enterprise content architectures are maturing and finally beginning to separate content from its presentation. But old-fashioned artifacts like PDF files still abound, and authors still expect WYSIWYG editing experiences. And when Karen McGrane reflects on her work 25 years ago at Razorfish she's struck by how the team structures and business practices they adopted there are still relevant today.

    By Larry Swanson, Elless Media,

  6. A Lens A Day #50 - Component vs. Page

    Dan Brown and Karen McGrane discuss the practice of information architecture.

    By Dan Brown, A Lens a Day,

  7. Wikipedia Entry

    I have an entry on Wikipedia. It was deleted for not being notable enough, and then reinstated because apparently I am notable enough.


  8. Are Your Design Teams and Content Teams Working at Odds With Each Other?

    To understand the challenges that these content teams undergo and also provide tips for brands to improve their content workflows, we spoke to the experts.

    By Kaya Ismail, CMS Wire,

  9. Autogram: Content and Design Systems for Enterprises – Episode 84

    Orchestrating the strategy, design, and software work that comes with enterprise-scale digital projects is a complex and painstaking mission. It’s hard to imagine a team better equipped to take on these challenges than the founders of Autogram.

    By Larry Swanson, Elless Media,

  10. Maker Series Recap

    In the intimate Maker Series setting with 35 other people who care about content, Karen McGrane took us all to church, preaching that we have to stop stalling. We have to “stop the bleeding.” We all have to get comfortable with iterating.

    By Emily Gray, Sparkbox,

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